Table Chart Maker

Try our table chart maker to create a table graph online. The tool allows you to use all the available features for free.

Table Chart Title

# First Last Age
1 Jenny Smith 26
2 Shlok Bond 17
3 Harber Klin 19
* Comment

How to Create a Table Chart?

  1. Enter the title for your table chart.
  2. Add or remove the table rows and columns as needed.
  3. Input the column header names and row values.
  4. Add a comment at the bottom of the table.
  5. Check or uncheck the checkbox for row numbers, striped rows, and a small table.
  6. Also, the tool allows you to change the background color, border color, and border width of your table graph.
  7. At last, you can save the chart in PNG, SVG, or HTML files. In addition, you can print or save the table in a PDF file.

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